Are you a member of the California Bar, or just interested in ethics in debt collection? Join and hear a talk by our General Counsel, Avital Gertner-Samet.
Date and Time: January 21, 2016, 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Committee secretary Avital Samet, General Counsel at TrueAccord, will lead the presentation covering potential ethical conflicts to be aware of and avoid while practicing debt collection law. The attorney’s loyalty and confidentiality duties to his client will be juxtaposed against the attorney’s duty as an officer of the court and duties owed to the consumer. These aspects are relevant both to third party and first party debt collectors as well as to counsels that advise to creditors and consumers alike. She will be joined by Matt Loker (Kazerouni Law Group, APC) and Jeffrey Ehrlich (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau).
To attend, please use the following dial-in number at 11:45 a.m.
Dial-in: (855) 520-7605
Passcode: 908 506 2381