TrueAccord’s General Counsel Appointed to CFSC

By on March 6th, 2015 in Compliance
TrueAccord Blog

We write quite a lot about the law, compliance, and other “boring” stuff over here at TrueAccord. The thing is, we don’t think these topics are boring. Regulation, the law, and working with regulators is something you have to embrace when entering a highly regulated space. Our ability to introduce innovation in debt collection requires multiple skills. Among them, it hinges on our ability to combine forward looking technology with just enough understanding of how to talk about it with regulators. This means taking an active roles in commenting, debating and when possible – crafting opinions about the law itself.

This is why we’re happy that our General Counsel, Avital Gertner-Samet, was appointed to the Consumer Financial Services Committee of the Business Law Section of The State Bar of California (aaaaand… breath!). Seriously, debt collection is no monkey business, and joining these organizations is our way of contributing our thinking to the variety of voices influencing the law.

Congratulations, and to our new partners at the State Bar – we look forward to working with you.